Group Training Classes
Root Training
Puppy Preschool
This series gives solid roots of education for every puppy
Within the 6 week course we offer 30 minutes of structured puppy socialization each week & 30 minutes each week learning leash walking, name response, come, sit/stay & curbing puppy behaviors
We suggest this class for puppies 3-4 months with little to no previous training.
Basic Obedience
During this 7 week course you & your dog will be learning come, sit/stay & down/stay on leash. We will be practicing well mannered leash walking each week. In addition we dedicate 15 minutes each week to socialization on & off leash.
This series is designed for dogs 4 months or older, with little to no commands.
Advance Training
Long Line to Off Leash Obedience
This series is more intense we meet 2 times a week for 4 weeks & you have 30 minutes of homework everyday. The series is constructed so that we can help owners who want a solid Come, Sit/Stay & Down/Stay off leash.
Dogs 6 months & older may attend this series. This class focuses 100% on the Come, Sit/Stay & Down/Stay. So, Dogs must have great response to these commands* on leash prior to starting this class.
Well Rounded Dog Package
Puppy Preschool
This series gives solid roots of education for every puppy
Within the 6 week course we offer 30 minutes of structured puppy socialization each week & 30 minutes each week learning leash walking, name response, come, sit/stay & curbing puppy behaviors
We suggest this class for puppies 3-4 months with little to no previous training.
Basic Obedience
During this 7 week course you & your dog will be learning come, sit/stay & down/stay on leash. We will be practicing well mannered leash walking each week. In addition we dedicate 15 minutes each week to socialization on & off leash.
This series is designed for dogs 4 months or older, with little to no commands.
Long Line to Off Leash Obedience
This series is more intense we meet 2 times a week for 4 weeks & you have 30 minutes of homework everyday. The series is constructed so that we can help owners who want a solid Come, Sit/Stay & Down/Stay off leash.
Dogs 6 months & older may attend this series. This class focuses 100% on the Come, Sit/Stay & Down/Stay. So, Dogs must have great response to these commands* on leash prior to starting this class.
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